What is IDRC?

IDRC is a simple yet powerful conceptual tool for informing and evaluating interpersonal relationships both in the abstract and in real time. It’s purpose is to provide an easily remembered phrase that can be applied to a wide array of situations quickly and concisely.

The four letter acronym can be thought of as the ideal that every individual should expect as the most basic and fundamental rights as a human being. It can also be used to assess whether one is obtaining Consent by the evaluation of the first three principles, Independence, Dignity and Respect, in any particular situation.


Recognize an individual’s right to independence

Individuals have a right to their independence, regardless of any agreement, contract, pact, belief system etc. they may be part of. An individual  never surrenders their right to be independent and it is always a volitional choice they alone are free to make whether to be part of any accord that affects that right.


Treat individuals with dignity

Individuals have a right to be treated with dignity. No matter what the situation, history, or context, one never surrenders that right.


Respect the views and wishes of individuals

Individuals have a right to their views and wishes being respected and being treated with civility.


Obtain an individual’s consent when one’s words and actions materially affect them

Individuals have a right to expect others should obtain an individual’s consent if their words or actions materially affect them.